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Electrical Services


Building Wiring and Switches come in a variety of types and sizes. The importance of
choosing the appropriate wiring or device cannot be overstated.

Wiring that is not sized appropriately can be detrimental to the appliance it operates.
In today's high technological environments, undersized wiring can lead to intolerable
voltage fluctuations that can harm or impede the equipment or its application.
Similarly, switches may operate motors, equipment, computers, lighting, processes,
and a multitude of other applications.

When a switch is not installed in the exact appropriate manner for its design, electrical codes, and the installation application, the switch itself can affect the life of the equipment attached and even create a hazard.


Due to the miniaturisation and proliferation of electronic equipment, such as computer networks, security systems, communications, process equipment, etc.; the need for a noise free Earth has become vital. Our earthing systems provide means to carry electric currents into the earth under normal and fault conditions without exceeding any operating and equipment limits or adversely affecting continuity of service.


We provide a comprehensive range of ceiling mountable fluorescent light and emergency light units. The emergency light units are designed to automatically come on when the power fails. These unites are installed in key lighting requirement areas and building exit routes. The lights consist of one or more incandescent bulbs or one or more clusters of high-intensity Light Emitting Diodes (LED). All units have some sort of a reflector to focus and intensify the light they produce. This can either be in the form of a plastic cover over the fixture, or a reflector placed behind the light source.

Electrical Services Electrical Services Electrical Services Earthing Lighting Services

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